N95, FFP1, FFP2, and FFP3 are types of industrial protective dust masks or particulate respirators. They are designed to protect the wearer from airborne particles and contaminants in the workplace environment.

1. N95: N95 masks are a type of respirator that meets the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) N95 classification. These masks filter out at least 95% of airborne particles, including large and small particles. They are commonly used in healthcare settings and offer a high level of protection against airborne diseases and viruses.

2. FFP1: FFP1 masks are a European standard classification of respiratory masks. They filter out at least 80% of airborne particles and are commonly used in low-risk environments where the concentration of particulate matter is not high.

3. FFP2: FFP2 masks are also a European standard classification and offer a higher level of protection than FFP1 masks. They filter out at least 94% of airborne particles and are suitable for moderate-risk environments.

4. FFP3: FFP3 masks provide the highest level of protection among the FFP classification. They filter out at least 99% of airborne particles and are used in high-risk environments, such as healthcare settings or areas with high concentrations of hazardous particles.

These masks have different filtration efficiencies and are designed to provide varying levels of protection against different sizes of particles. It is important to choose the appropriate mask based on the specific work environment and the level of risk involved.

FFP1 FFP2 FFP3 N95 protective dust mask/Disposable Particulate Respirator

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